Planet Earth in 2023 is on the cusp of the extinction of the majority of its’ living inhabitants.

There is now no doubt that humans have polluted the atmosphere, soil and waters to such an extent that many components critical to the future survival of all humans, many animal species and many forms of vegetable and other life-forms are at a tipping point. Different communities are taking urgent action, but the necessary level of coordinated action is taking too long.

“We are in the fight of our lives, and we are losing”

Even the clarion warning from UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres seems to have gone unheeded by world leaders at the COP27.

FOGGG’s mission has two elements :

To evolve a consensus vision of the sustainable planet people want by 2149.

Learn more and see how you or your organisation can participate in evolving the FOGGG vision

To inform all generations that getting to a sustainable planet will involve changes in ways of life and standards of living as well as uncomfortable impacts on their environments. A sustainable planet will not be completed during the lifetime of anybody currently alive

Comments from supporters

"What ​FOGGG​ says frightens me but also gives me hope for the Future"
"FOGGG has opened my eyes to the reality of what my children will have to live with"
"We might not survive the climate crisis but ​FOGGG's approach gives us the best chance for avoiding oblivion"
"FOGGG has clearly shown that we all have to have a realistic view of the future. It's a view that won't win votes so don't expect politicians to agree with it."
"​Go! FOGGG. You're showing the way..."
"I want my parents to join FOGGG"
"I've become a FOGGGer for my grandchildren's sake."
"I'm going to persuade my friends to become FOGGG supporters like me"
"I can't wait to meet other FOGGGers to discuss what we want as a sustainable planet"
"I can see myself becoming a full-time FOGGG activist and supporter.​"
"I’m too old to be much help, but I’m going to give FOGGG money regularly"

This is why FOGGG says it is:

Working towards a society and planet fit for our Great-Great-Grandchildren

FOGGG is a gathering-place to form a consensus on what and when we want as a sustainable planet.

FOGGG will NEVER share any of your data with a 3rd-party unless compelled by law.